Daily Devotional

Discard The Old

9th July 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 10: 46-52


“And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.” (Mark 10: 50)

When Bartimaeus was called to go and meet Jesus, he first took away his garment. Bartimaeus had become a beggar whilst living as a blind fellow; and in bible times, people wore garments to reflect their identity. So Bartimaeus would have worn a beggar’s garment; but when Jesus called out to him, he first discarded the garment that tied him to begging. He discarded the garment and identity of negativity.

Friend, I am aware that your situation may not exactly have changed as you would wish, but would you start by discarding the garments of negativity that you have been wearing? Put away the garment of your past failures and struggles. Put away the identity of what happened to you. Put away the identity of your previous misfortunes. Put away the identity of the losses you once suffered. Put away every identity of negativity.

Bartimaeus was going to meet his new level, and he put away the garment that tied him to the identity that was about to fade away. He cast away the identity of the old. If you must embrace the new thing that God is set to

do in your life, and if you must become the new man that God wants to make out of you, then it’s high time you left the identity of the old. Put away the identity of that old level that God wants to take away from your life.

There was a miracle waiting for Bartimaeus; there was a new level waiting to manifest in his life, and he would not embrace or possess it until he first put away that which tied him to the past. At some point, you might need to choose between your past and your future. Choose between your old struggles and your new levels. Choose between who you have always been and who God wants you to become. Choose between the old and new.

Remember, Bartimaeus chose the new, but he also consciously put away the old. Intentionally let go of the old, and you will embrace the new.


I let go of the old; I discard every identity of negativity; I embrace the new, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“18. Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43: 18-19)

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