The vision of Zechariah in our Focal Scripture was about the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Notice that in Ezra 4 vs. 1-3, some enemies of Judah showed up and posed as supporters that wanted to help in building the temple. They showed up as people who wanted to help, but they were truly enemies. They came like supporters, but they were there to scatter. They came as helpers, but they were destroyers.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every enemy masquerading as a supporter, may the Lord expose them. May God expose the enemies that are posing as helpers. May God expose the wasters who are posing as supporters. May the Lord expose the destroyers who are posing as builders. May the Lord expose the enemies who are working like they mean well for you. May the Lord destroy the token of the wicked around you.
Notice that in Ezra 4 vs. 3, Zerubbabel and other elders were discerning enough to reject the offers of the enemies that posed as friends. Today, I pray for you: may your eyes be open to discern the difference between your helpers and destroyers. When it matters most, may your eyes be open to discern between those who truly mean well for you and those who do not mean well for you. May your eyes be open to discern between those you need and those you do not need in your journey.
Don’t be counted amongst them who invite destroyers into their building project. Don’t be counted amongst them that can be deceived into receiving vipers into their abode. May God grant you the wisdom to discern when their fake promises seek to make you a victim. May God grant you the wisdom to discern when they mean evil instead of good. May the Lord cause you to discern between true and false men around you.
Remember, they were enemies, they posed as friends and helpers, but the elders of the land discerned. In this season and beyond, may you discern between the helpers and destroyers.