Daily Devotional

Out Of Order

Disrupt The Enemy

10th March 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 16: 16-39


“Paul and Silas, undaunted, prayed in the middle of the night and sang songs of praise to God, while all the other prisoners listened to their worship.” (Acts 16: 25 TPT)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Paul and Silas rose at night and prayed and sang praises to God. Psalm 30 vs. 5 says: “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”. Paul and Silas rose at night and prayed until the foundations of the prison were shaken. They were not willing to allow weeping endure for even a night. They used their prayers and praises to God to cause weeping to end earlier than expected.

Friend, if you dare to pray, you will interrupt the cycle of weeping. If you dare to embarrass the devil by praising God despite your challenges, you will interrupt the cycle of negativity. If you dare to arise and speak forth the word of the Lord to your situation, you will be shocked at how the tables will turn in your favour earlier than expected. You will be shocked at how your prayers will turn the tide in your favour. You will be shocked at how you will praise your way into your new season.

A prisoner could be forgiven for choosing to sleep at night, but for Paul and Silas, there was more to do, and they were willing to do it against all odds. For Paul and Silas, the night was not going to be allowed to pass by with captivity on the throne. Disrupt every captivity you see around you. Even if you are not directly affected, tear down every seat of Satan that is positioned around you. Tear down every negativity that wants to reign.

Today, I pray for you: as you raise your voice in prayers and praises, against the altars of hell positioned to elongate your weeping, your tears of pain will be replaced with tears of joy. As you rise in the place of prayers and praises to God, the term of negativities around you will be cut short. As you engage the forces of heaven on account of whatever issues that trouble you, God will trouble the troubles in your life.

No matter what happens, never stop staying in the place of prayers and praises to God. Let not your lips ever cease to give God the highest praise.


My weeping will not serve out its term; it will end earlier than expected, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.” (Isaiah 61: 4)

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