In our Focal Scripture, the lame man who had just received his healing, held on to Peter and John; and all the people (who had come to the temple) ran to them. The restoration of the feet of the lame man was a miracle that got the people astonished, and they had no choice but to run closer to Peter and John. The miracle of Peter and John held on to them and attracted a multitude. The miracle of Peter and John advertised them to the people.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your testimony will advertise you. What God is about to do for you will cause your name to be announced in high places. God is causing you to receive that miracle that will announce you to your generation. God is causing you to achieve that exploit of faith that will put you in the news for the right reasons. God is empowering you to make new achievements that will draw men to you.
By the miracle that came through Peter and John, even people who may have ignored them in time past had no option but to run to them. Hear me as I hear the Lord: by reason of what God is about to manifest through you, even those who once ignored you in time past will have no option but to run to you. The miracles that God is about to do for you will advertise you. People will hear about you because of what God has done for you.
The season of your obscurity is over. The season of your stagnation is over. The season of remaining unrecognized in the eyes of men, is over. The season of being covered and obscure as a result of inactivity in your life, is over. This is the season of your divine announcement. This is the season of your divine advertisement. This is the season of your divine unveiling. This is the season of your becoming a wonder.
May you receive that testimony that will be contrary to the reports of men. May the Lord cause you to have that miracle that will announce you to your generation.