Daily Devotional

Divine Calendar

4th April 2020

Scripture Reading: John 19: 28-30


“After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.” (John 19: 28)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment before the death of Jesus when He knew that all things had been accomplished. Jesus was aware of the divine calendar for His life; He knew when to begin His public ministry which began when He was about thirty years old (see Luke 3 vs. 23). He knew when it was not yet time for Him to die; He knew when He had done all that the Father wanted Him to do; He knew where He was in divine calendar per time.

Friend, do you know where you belong in the calendar of God for your life? Do you know that there is a divine calendar for your life? Are you aware of what God expects you to be doing at the moment? Are you aware of the role that heaven expects from you per time? Are you conversant with the expectations that God has concerning your life? Are you mindful of the fact that there is a divine, prophetic schedule for your life?

Stagnation and confusion in destiny happens when you remain in a place where you should have left, or when you leave a place where you should have remained. When a man is not aware of what he should do or where he should be in destiny timing, he ends up living below his destiny mandate, and possibly follows people he should have been ahead of. When a man is unaware of his divine calendar, he is directionless in destiny.

Ask God to open your eyes to see where you ought to be in destiny; ask God to unveil His plan for your life to you; ask God to grant you insight into the future you are yet to step into; ask God to show you where you ought to have been in destiny; ask God to show you what you ought to have achieved so far in destiny; ask God to show you His divine timing for your life; ask God to reveal the template of your destiny and future to you.

Don’t be content to live your life without a consciousness of where you ought to be in divine timing. Align yourself and everything that concerns you with God’s calendar for your life.


I am aware of my divine timing; I am aligned with my divine calendar, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33: 3)

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