Daily Devotional


Divine Connections

29th August 2019

Scripture Reading: Acts 27: 41-44, 28: 1-6


“But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land:” (Acts 27: 43)

It is remarkably noteworthy that the Centurion in our Focal Scripture showed willingness to save Saul, and in the process, he gave the freedom for everyone to swim to shore. Because of a desire to save Saul, other prisoners were saved and permitted to swim to shore. Because of the desire to save Saul, other people who were not necessarily favoured by the Centurion ended up receiving from the favour towards Paul.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: because of you, people connected to you will be saved. Because of you, the judgement that should have come to some shall be exchanged with mercy; because of you, favour shall spread into the lives of those who never even asked to be favoured; because of you, people who should have been victims shall be spared; because of you, people connected to you will become beneficiaries of God’s goodness.

God will lift others around you because of you. God will lift your family members because of you. God will cause your greatness to rub off on those connected to you. God will cause those who may not be as prayerful as you are to become beneficiaries of your prayers. God will cause the light of His countenance that is shining upon you to also shine on those connected to you. God will cause your progress to elicit the progress of others.

If you have connected to Jesus, then your connection to Him should pay off in the lives of those connected to you. If you have embraced Jesus, you should be that one man that will cause others to be rescued, you should be that one man that will attract mercy to others, you should be that one man that will cause doors to be opened to others, and you should be that one man by whom the light will shine on others.

Ask God to cause your divine connection to spread to the lives of those connected to you. Ask the Lord to cause your prayers, goodwill, favour, etc to rub off on the people connected to you.


My divine connection shall rub off on the people connected to me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” (Psalm 23: 5)

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