Daily Devotional

You Have A Space

Divine Evidence

13th July 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 10: 46-52


“And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.” (Mark 10: 52)

As we close the matter of the healing of Blind Bartimaeus, one thing is noteworthy: after Jesus healed Bartimaeus, He ordered Bartimaeus to move on, but rather, Bartimaeus followed Jesus in the way. The sight of Bartimaeus was an evidence of the power that Jesus wielded; so as Jesus moved, evidence (Bartimaeus) followed Him. Jesus’ evidence followed Him wherever He went. Jesus’ evidence moved about with Him.

Friend, hear God’s prophetic word: you will be followed by divine evidence. Wherever you go, divine evidence will follow you. Whatsoever you touch, divine evidence will follow you. As people see you, they will see the wonders of God all around you. As people see you, they will see the hand of God at work in you. As people see you, they will see the chapters of good news and joyful sounds that God Himself opened for you.

This was not a case of Jesus needing to tell people that he had evidence of the power of God at work within Him. The miracle of Bartimaeus stared everyone in the face. It was that miracle that did not need to be hidden. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the divine evidence that will follow you will be loud. Even if you refuse to talk about it, it will be so loud that people will hear it. Even if you keep silent, it will announce itself.

Get set: in this season, miracles and testimonies that sound like lies will follow you. With your eyes, you will see the wonders of God. With your hands, you will carry the works of the Lord. With your mouth, you will testify to God’s goodness around you. The same way Jesus moved, and divine evidence followed Him about, you will be called that one who is consistently followed by divine evidence that terminates all arguments.

Welcome to your new season of divine evidence. Welcome to that season when you will be followed by God’s goodness.


I shall be followed by God’s goodness, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” (Psalm 23: 6)

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