Daily Devotional

Don’t Walk Away

Divine Fragrance

4th September 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 92: 1-12


“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” (Psalm 92: 12)

A major characteristic of the cedar tree is its pleasant smell. Anyone who goes close to the cedar tree would get a pleasant fragrance. Notice that in our Focal Scripture, the Psalmist made mention of how the righteous will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. The psalmist seemed to be saying that the righteous has got a fragrance that is capable of attracting men. The psalmist inferred that the righteous has got a fragrance.

Friend, you are like the cedar tree; you wear the fragrance of divinity. You wear the fragrance of favour; you wear the fragrance that attracts kings and nobles; you wear the fragrance that sets one in high places; you wear the fragrance that attracts the men you need; you smell good to your generation; you will be highly sought after in this season and beyond; you will be the toast of many. You will be called that one that heaven decorated.

Get set: men shall be attracted to you on account of heaven’s deposit in you. You will be preferred ahead of your contemporaries. The best of the favour of kings shall be given to you. Clients will run to your business; men shall locate the works of your hands and insist on you or none other; you are about to witness more favours than you ever bargained for; you are about to become the center of attraction in your environment.

The fragrance of heaven is upon you, and it is about to attract more favours to you; it is about to bring you unexpected breakthroughs; it is about to launch you to the next level; it is about to keep you ahead of the crowd; you may have been on the back seat of destiny, but henceforth, you are moving from the back to the front where you truly belong. You are moving from obscurity to undeniable visibility.

Remember, you wear the fragrance of heaven; that fragrance shall attract the men and favour you need.


I wear the fragrance of heaven; I attract the men I need; kings are coming to my rising, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” (Psalm 139: 14)

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