Daily Devotional

It Is Settled

Divinely Altered

6th December 2020

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6: 8-23


“Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?” (2 Kings 6: 11)

In our Focal Scripture, the King of Syria summoned his servants to enquire if any of them was selling out information to the King of Israel. He plotted against Israel so many times, and failed. He made attempts to prevail over the people of God, but he failed each time because Elisha warned the King of Israel repeatedly and got him to alter his movement. The King of Israel became a wonder because his movement was divinely altered, through the instructions of Elisha.

Friend, when God divinely alters your life through His words and instructions, He is simply making you a wonder to your generation. When God speaks words to you that take you out of the course of movement you would have taken, He is simply getting you ready for greatness that your world cannot fathom. When God alters your life by His word, He makes your destiny impregnable to the enemy.

The King of Israel may have had his plans, but he made himself vulnerable to the alteration of plans, and he became a wonder to the King of Syria. He made himself vulnerable to the dealing of God through Elisha, and he became a wonder to his world. It’s high time you became more and more vulnerable to the plans of God for your life. It’s high time you made room for God to change your plans. It’s high time you became more vulnerable to God.

Any man who ever became great in scriptures lived a life that was altered by the Lord. Any man who would be a wonder to his generation must accept to be divinely altered, according to God’s plan. It may make sense to look like everyone else, but there is greatness in being made different by the Lord. There is greatness in following uncommon paths because God would have you follow them. There is greatness in being altered.

Don’t make the mistake of walking into your own downfall because you preferred to walk the path that made sense to you. Make room for God to alter your pathway. Make room for divine alteration.


I am divinely altered, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.” (Isaiah 8: 18)

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