Daily Devotional


Divinely Announced

17th May 2019

Scripture Reading: Esther 6: 1-14


“Then took Haman the apparel and the horse, and arrayed Mordecai, and brought him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaimed before him, Thus shall it be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour.” (Esther 6: 11)

On the day of Mordecai’s honour, the king ordered that there shall be proclamation before Mordecai. Someone was to move ahead of Mordecai and announce that he was the man whom the king was delighted to honour. So the honour of Mordecai came with announcements; Mordecai was announced even before he was seen; the announcement went ahead of him; he was announced in places he was yet to arrive at.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will be divinely announced. God will send angels to announce you in places where you are yet to arrive at; God will send His angels to announce you in the minds of people; God will send His angels to announce your business to those who need you; God will announce you in high places; God will announce you in places where you can’t announce yourself. You will be divinely announced.

Today, I pray for you: may the voice of God be louder than your personality. May the voice of God compel men to move in your direction; may the voice of God cause men to choose you for high favours; may the voice of God cause men to locate you for higher positions; may the voice of the Lord cause men to select you for honours and rewards you did not labour for; may the voice of God speak for you in places you can’t speak in.

When God speaks, men have no option but to listen. When God speaks, even the haters of your destiny will have no option but to comply with the demands on your destiny; when God speaks to men concerning you, even when they do not like you, against their wishes they will work in your favour; when God speaks for you, He will drown the voices of evil men speaking against you.

Ask God to speak for you in high places; ask God to divinely announce you.


I shall be divinely announced, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.” (Psalm 18: 44)

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