In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist affirmed that it is God that avenges for him. The word ‘avenge’ as used in that scripture suggests that there were contentions against the psalmist. The word ‘avenge’ does suggest that there were battles facing the psalmist. Notice that it was God that avenged for the psalmist. Battles that the psalmist was meant to fight were now fought by God Himself. The psalmist would have looked like one who didn’t have a battle to fight, because God fought for him.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: God will fight for you. God will fight your battles and avenge for you. God will throw punches on the enemies of your destiny. God will take over every battle that wants to swallow you. God will take away the roadblocks that the enemies of your destiny placed on your pathway. God will cut down the altars of negativity erected against you. God will use His divine might to crush the opposition against you.
Notice that the word avenge means to inflict harm in return for an injury/wrong done to oneself or another. It speaks of vengeance. So God looked at all the people who wanted to fight against the psalmist, and He inflicted harm on them all. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the vengeance of God is being unleashed against all those that have done you harm. God will recompense tribulation to all those that have troubled you.
The psalmist had opposition against him, but he didn’t need to fight them because God Himself was available to fight on his behalf. So he didn’t look like the battles he was fighting because the Lord took over his battles. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your battles have been taken over by the Lord, and you will not look like the battles that have come your way. God has arisen on your behalf. God will not let your battles wear you out.
Welcome to that season where God Himself will serve vengeance to all those that have chosen to fight against you. Welcome to that season where your battles and attackers will be subdued by the Lord.