In our Focal Scripture, the Lord appeared to Isaac. The appearance of the Lord gave direction to Isaac amidst the famine. The appearance of the Lord unveiled the future to Isaac. The Lord’s appearance communicated God’s blessings to him. The appearance of the Lord made him take hold of his destiny. The appearance of the Lord reminded him of his worth. The appearance of the Lord kept him from being dislocated geographically.
Friend, when God wants to bless a man, He first appears to that man. The word ‘appeared’ as used in that scripture means ‘to reveal’. So God revealed Himself to Isaac before causing him to live above the famine. God caused Isaac to have a revelation that opened his eyes about where he was and where he was to go to. God caused Isaac to have a revelation that positioned him well. God gave Isaac a revelation that unveiled the future.
One major thing that the Lord would use to distinguish you in destiny, is revelation. You need revelations about where you are and where you are going to. You need revelations that will position you ahead of your contemporaries. You need revelations that will expose those who are working against you behind the scenes. You need revelations that will open your eyes to what others are yet to see.
By revelation, Isaac did not go down to Egypt like his father. I pray for you: may the Lord open your eyes to see what you need to see to avoid error. May the Lord open your eyes to see what is going on behind the scenes. May the Lord open your eyes to see the devices of the enemy. Any plot that enemies have concocted against you, may God open your eyes to see it. May the Lord reveal the satanic arrangements hindering you.
The days of operating without divine revelation, are over. May your eyes be open. Whatsoever you need to see and know in order to move forward, may the Lord give it to you. May the portals of divine revelation be open to you speedily.