Daily Devotional

Divinely Watched

26th March 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 17: 11-19


“And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.” (Luke 17: 11)

On Jesus’ pathway to Jerusalem, He passed through Samaria and Galilee. Samaria means ‘watchtower’. In bible times, there were watchtowers at the gate of cities. The idea behind watchtowers was to detect enemy invasion early enough. Any man who slept off at his duty post in a watchtower was simply putting the entire nation in danger. Any man who was not watchful enough at the watchtower was a security threat.

Friend, you may have done your best in time past to watch over yourself, but in this season, hear me as I hear the Lord: God will watch over you. God will watch your back; God will keep you safe from the invaders and intruders that want to make a mess of your destiny; God will keep you safe from the attacks of the enemy; God will keep you safe from the multitude of haters that have purposed to pull you down; God will keep you safe from the messengers of evil that want you to go down.

People who manned the watchtowers in bible times were expected to discern between those coming in peace and those coming with war. They were meant to be able to discern. Hear me again: God will empower you to discern between those that are for you and those that are against you; God will empower you to discern between those that are on your side and those that are simply undermining you in places where your eyes can’t see.

If you were to watch over yourself with human efforts alone, you simply would slip up at some point and the enemy would have a chance to take advantage of you. It’s time to engage the resources of heaven in your favour; it’s time to get the warring angels of God to take charge of your security; it’s time to engage the host of heaven to fight in your favour; it’s time to ask God to give you angelic covering that won’t fail like humans.

The days of being vulnerable are over; the Lord watches over you.


The Lord watches over me; no invader is permitted to enter, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” (Psalm 127: 1)

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