Daily Devotional


Don’t Be Unclean

25th May 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20


“And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.” (Mark 5: 13)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus permitted the mob of demons to enter into the herd of swine that was being fed nearby. Those demons got into the swine, and they all perished in the sea. In Leviticus 11 vs. 7 (GNB), God said to Moses and Aaron: “Do not eat pigs. They must be considered unclean…”. So at the time when those pigs were being fed close to the sea, they were unclean in Israel, and they were soon invaded by unclean spirits.

Friend, if you make the mistake of living an unclean life, you just might become attractive to the unclean spirits that are seeking where to destroy. If you make the mistake of remaining unclean, in the filth of sin and unrighteousness, you would be giving the enemy a legal right to invade your life and make a mess of your destiny. If you choose to retain your negative habits and attitudes, you just might attract a negative mob.

Even Jesus allowed the mob of demons to have free access into unclean animals. Jesus allowed unclean spirits to mingle freely with unclean animals. You will be hindering the hand of God at work in your life, if you continue to do the same things that God Himself has called unclean. You will be frustrating the grace of God at work in you if you make the mistake of indulging in what God Himself has outlawed.

If Jesus has redeemed you, then walk in the light and discard every pathway of darkness. Put away everything in you that puts God away. Discard every disposition that does not allow God to take His rightful position in your life. Do away with the lusts of the eyes and of the flesh, and of the pride of life. Do away with prayerlessness, inconsistency, immorality, and any other thing that puts God away from you.

There will always be mobs of demons looking for where to invade, so don’t make your life their preferred destination on account of your uncleanness.


I refuse to lead an unclean life; I will not be a preferred destination for demons, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” (2 Corinthians 6: 17)

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