Daily Devotional

Don’t Go Down

5th July 2022

Scripture Reading: Judges 16: 1-25


“And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.” (Judges 16: 4)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Samson loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. Samson had just done exploits in the previous verse when he took the gates of the city of Gaza, with the pillars and all, and went up to the top of a hill. Samson moved from doing an exploit on the mountain, to loving Delilah in the valley. Samson moved from being in a high place, of relevance, to being in a low place.

Friend, when you finally rise to higher levels, please don’t move from the mountain to the valley. Don’t move from the place of relevance to the place of your destruction and reduction. Don’t move from the place of exploits to the place of distraction. Don’t move from being high in prayers to being low in prayers. Don’t move from being high on consecration to being low on it. Don’t move from being high in excellence to being low on it.

Whenever God begins to elevate you for exploits on the mountain, do well to stay away from the distractions in the valley. Do well to stay away from the habits on them that are not accustomed to exploits. Break out of every affinity with the valley. Break out of everything that wants to reduce and demote your destiny. Break out of every affinity that wants to make a mess of your destiny. By all means, don’t go down.

Men who are made for exploits in the mountain are not meant to be seen playing with ‘Delilahs’ in the valley. Men who are arrowheads of the kingdom are not to be caught in the midst of those who want to ‘shave’ their hair. Men who are destined for greatness do not mingle with environments that will quench the fire of their greatness. Men who want to remain on the mountain keep their eyes away from the valley.

Commit to remaining on the mountain, no matter the temptation to go down to the valley. Don’t make the mistake of reducing standards to accommodate things and relationships that are hurtful to your divine mandate.


I Refuse to go down; I will walk upon my high places, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” (Psalm 18: 33)

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