Daily Devotional

Don’t Go Down

Don’t Lose Your Vision

16th July 2022

Scripture Reading: Judges 16: 1-25


“But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.” (Judges 16: 21)

When the Philistines laid hold of Samson, they took out his eyes. Samson had been a high flier all the way, but the first thing the Philistines would do, was to stop him from seeing what he ought to see. They couldn’t fully execute their wickedness on him until they took out his eyes. They tampered with his vision, and every other negativity followed. They took out his vision, and his life became as ordinary as any life could be.

Friend, relevance is lost when vision is lost. If you make the mistake of losing your vision and failing to see what God would have you see, you just might end up in destiny prisons. If you ever get to a point where you are no longer able to see what the Lord is showing you, you are on your way to becoming irrelevant. If you make the mistake of losing your eyes, you won’t even see your portion if it is brought to your doorstep.

The painful part of Samson’s loss of his eyes was that it was his enemies that took it out. He lost his vision because his enemies wanted it so. He lost his vision because his enemies didn’t want him to see anymore. Never allow the enemy to steal your vision. Never allow the devil to bring you to a point where you are no longer able to see what the Lord is showing you. Never allow the enemy to blind your eyes.

The moment Samson lost his eyes, he could no longer see his way, and he would have become dependent on others to find his way. If you make the mistake of losing your vision, you will become dependent on another man’s vision. If you lose your vision, you will have to depend on others to move. If you fail to open your eyes to see, you may miss whatever divine releases the Lord is bringing your way.

No matter what happens, never lose your vision. Let the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you might see what God would have you see.


I will not lose my vision, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” (Ephesians 1: 18)

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