Daily Devotional



26th May 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 KINGS 17: 1-16


“And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand.” (1 Kings 17: 11)

Prior to our Focal Scripture, Elijah had demanded from the woman of Zarephath to bring him a vessel of water. As the woman went to get water, Elijah demanded for a morsel of bread to be brought. God sent Elijah to the woman of Zarephath for sustenance; God did not send him there to just go and drink water. Elijah initially made demands below what God promised him; but he seemed to realize what God said and increased his demand.

Friend, refuse to live below your prophecy. Refuse to operate below your destiny mandate. Refuse to settle for less than what God promised you in His word. Refuse to be less than you were wired to be. Refuse to be less than God ordained you to be. Refuse to be less than God’s design for your life. Refuse to operate below the word of the Lord concerning you. Refuse to accept less when you can push for more. Don’t agree to be less.

Elijah may have been forgiven for only demanding for water, given that the entire nation was in a period of famine. It may have been fair enough to take water from the environment, but he went ahead and demanded for food. Hear me again: stop making demands on the environment; make demands on the word of the Lord that have been spoken over your life. Don’t make demands on what your environment can offer; make demands on the basis of what God can offer you.

Stop settling for less because of what your environment can offer. Stop settling for less because of the limitations around you. Don’t reduce your expectations because of the calculations of mere men. Don’t reduce your expectations because the present day realities do not support your expectations. Instead of always opting for a reality check, opt for a faith check. Believe God for it even if it seems impossible.

Remember, the moment Elijah demanded for food, he got it, and he kept getting it. Stop settling for less, go for more and your expectations will be fulfilled.


I won’t settle for less; I go for more; my expectations shall become my reality, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” (Proverbs 23: 18)

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