Daily Devotional


20th November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.” (Matthew 14: 29)

When Peter stepped out of the ship that ferried the disciples, he went straight to Jesus. He walked on water in order to get to where Jesus was; he walked on water in order to increase his proximity to Jesus; he walked on water in order to be closer to Jesus. The exploit that was granted him was meant to increase his intimacy with Jesus; the miracle he became a part of was not for vain glory, it was for the purpose of getting close to Jesus.

Friend, as God grants you miracles and great exploits, the whole idea is for you to get closer to Jesus. The essence of your breakthrough is to make you closer to Jesus; the essence of that open door is to make your worship of God more intense; the reason why God has made things beautiful for you is that He wants more of you; the reason for the divine visitation and intervention is that God wants a closer relationship with you.

Isn’t it unfortunate that sometimes, we ‘walk on water’ and walk away from Jesus? Sometimes, the miracle that God willingly granted us becomes our reason to think we don’t need Him anymore; sometimes, the mistake that God seems to have made is that He lifted us, and we soon had feet strong enough to walk away from Him. Sometimes, rather than get closer to Jesus, we go far away because He helped us.

Today, make a commitment to get closer to Jesus with every miracle He causes to come your way. Let every open door take you closer to Jesus; let every breakthrough and achievement take you closer to Jesus; let every higher level you attain make God a higher priority for you; let every manifestation of God’s favour and divine increase lead you closer to Jesus; as God makes you smile, make Him smile by getting closer.

It’s an error to walk away from Jesus because you think you have ‘walked on water’ and have no more need for him. Stay close to Jesus, no matter how loaded your hands are. Let every miracle push you closer to Jesus.


My miracles will bring me closer to Jesus, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” (James 4: 8)

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