Daily Devotional

Unexpected Thrones

Environment Of Death

15th May 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20


“Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:” (Mark 5: 3)

The man with the unclean spirit lived among the tombs. In bible times, tombs were often hewn out of stones. Some people cut their own tomb even whilst they were alive, like Joseph of Arimathea who volunteered his tomb for Jesus’ burial (see Matthew 27). So some tombs could have been empty. So that man with unclean spirits ended up in graves that were meant for others. He entered into negativity that was meant for others. He entered into a loss that was meant for others.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not dwell in another man’s grave. You will not suffer another man’s loss. You will not fall into traps that were set for others. You will not experience any negativity that was packaged for another man. You will not be dragged into downfalls that were never meant for you. You will not die another man’s death. You will not be buried in another man’s tomb. You will not be wrapped up in grave clothes that were meant for another to wear.

The man with the unclean spirit literally hijacked other people’s grave arrangements. He was first to occupy negative environments that were meant for others. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every negative environment you have mistakenly stepped into shall reject you. Every environment of death that you have erroneously walked into will reject you. Your feet shall not carry you to the place of your death.

Jesus did not redeem you so that you can walk into another man’s grave and die another man’s death. Jesus did not rescue you from the power of darkness so that you can walk back into it. Today, the Lord leads you into environments of abundance. The Lord leads you into environments that will feed your seed. The Lord leads you into environments that will trigger your increase. The Lord ushers you into environments for your next level.

The season of being in another man’s grave, is over. No longer shall you be in an environment of death.


I walk away from every environment of death; I will not die another man’s death, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5: 14)

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