Daily Devotional

Evil Won’t Go Up

1st March 2020

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6: 24-25, 7: 1-20


“And it came to pass after this, that Benhadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and went up, and besieged Samaria.” (2 Kings 6: 24)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the moment when the King of Syria and his entire host (army) went up and surrounded Samaria. Syria was an enemy of Israel; it was an evil country in bible times as far as Israel was concerned; Syrians were a thorn in the flesh of Israel, and in our Focal Scripture, they went up. Those that wanted Israel to go down went up; those that were against Israel went up; simply put, evil went up.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: evil will not go up again. No evil that has been set against you will go up; no evil will prevail against you in 2020; no satanic force will be promoted against your interest; no negativity will rise to a higher level in your destiny; no plot against you will get a more privileged position; no attack of the enemy will go up; no evil report will go up; no sudden disaster will go up; nothing that is against you will go up.

Today, I decree, no policy that is against you will go up; no lie told against you will go up; no arrow that the enemy has shot against you will go up; people who have gathered against you to pull you down will not go up; no evil man that is plotting against you will rise to a higher level; no messenger of wickedness against you will go up; no protocol that was designed to stop you will go up; no weapon of the enemy against you will go up.

Every evil that has arisen against you, today, by the word of the Lord, I command a demotion. Let sickness be demoted; let poverty be demoted; let conspiracies and conspirators be demoted; let wickedness be demoted; let the power of darkness be put to flight; let the plans of the enemy concerning you be demoted and extinguished; let the satanic roadblocks that are planning to stop you be demoted; let evil go down in your life.

As surely as the Lord lives, no evil will go up with you; no negativity will rise higher in your destiny.


No evil will go up against me; I shut the gates of evil opened against me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.” (Isaiah 54: 15)

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