It is instructive to observe that Ishmael was also the son of Abraham. God had declared that He would make Isaac a great nation, but He was not about to leave out Ishmael who was also the son of Abraham. In our Focal Scripture, God assured Abraham that Ishmael would also be made into a great nation. The greatness that God was to bestow on Isaac, He also bestowed on Ishmael. It was a case of same family with greatness all around.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, yours shall be a tale of family greatness. God will cause greatness to go round in your family. God will cause greatness to reach everyone in your home. None will be left behind. None shall be empty handed in your family. None shall be called forsaken in your family. None shall be counted amongst them that didn’t make it in 2024. None shall lose out of the goodness of God in your family.
Isaac may have been the rightful heir of Abraham, but even Ishmael who was not heir, was also going to attain greatness on his own. One could argue that Isaac would be greater than Ishmael, but the fact was that they were both great. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, none shall be small in your family. None shall be insignificant in your family. None shall be discounted in your family. None shall be exempted from greatness.
The same God who already ordained that greatness would come through Isaac, also made room for Ishmael to be great. Ishmael was not even the most favoured one by God, but greatness was allotted to him divinely. Hear me as I hear the Lord: even the members of your family who do not seem very favoured, will also be great this year. Even those on whom expectations are low, will also be great. None shall miss out of greatness.
Welcome to that season where the hand of the Lord will cause every member of your family to shine brighter and brighter. Welcome to that season where greatness will go round in your family.