In Elisha’s prophecy, mention was made of the abundance that was to break forth at the gate of Samaria. In bible times, elders of cities took decisions at city gates. So city gates were synonymous with decision making. In the place of decision making, abundance was to break forth in Samaria. Favour was to arise from the place of decision making. From the same place where decisions were to be taken, something good was to come forth.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: wherever decisions are taken, it will be in your favour. Wherever policies are being made, it will work for your good. Wherever your name is mentioned in the ears of those who take decision, it will be for good. Wherever decision makers are deciding on whom to favour, your name will be on the list. Decision makers will align in your favour; they will be rightly positioned to favour you.
In 2022, God will use decision makers to work for your good and in your favour. As they make policies, it will be in your favour. As they select people, it will be in your favour. As they choose those to put in charge, it will be in your favour. As they select those that will be positioned strategically, it will be in your favour. As they select those to be removed or even disfavoured, it will be in your favour. As they make mistakes, it will be in your favour.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not be a victim of bad decisions from decision makers. You will not be disfavoured by decision makers. You will not be counted amongst them that suffered loss as a result of decision makers. You will not be counted amongst them that did not make progress as a result of what decision makers did to you. The decisions from kings and high places will not make a mess of your life.
Welcome to your season where kings will minister to you. Welcome to that season where decision makers will work in your favour.