Daily Devotional

Fixed For The Future

23rd April 2020

Scripture Reading: Mark 16: 1-20


“Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” (Mark 16: 3)

Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus, and scriptures mentioned that Jesus had cast out seven devils (demons) out of her. Jesus had done some work in her ahead of time; Jesus had taken the trash out of her life; Jesus had broken the satanic siege over her life; and in a matter of time, the same woman became the first to see a divine appearance. Jesus worked on Mary Magdalene for a time to come.

Friend, God is fixing your life because there is a future appearing that will come your way in a matter of time. God is taking down the negative walls in your life because there is a future glory He wants to manifest through your life. God is taking away the rough places of your life because you have a future appointment with greatness; God is taking down the stronghold of Satan in your life because He wants to usher you into more.

Mary Magdalene may have looked like one who didn’t receive a miracle, given that Jesus only removed demons from her life; but time would later reveal a unique portion reserved for her. Sometimes, when God is working on your life, it may appear that nothing is happening, but God has the future all figured out, and He would cause you to come face to face with the glory and greatness He had in mind for working on you.

Take the dealings of God in your life as seriously as you can. If God has been compelling you to make some changes in certain areas, do well to accept the changes. If God has been compelling you to improve on your prayer life, do so immediately. If God has been pushing you to get better in your walk with Him and in your dealings with men, do well to embrace the improvement.

If you refuse to have God work on you, you just might miss out on a future appointment with greatness. If you prefer to remain with your ‘seven demons’, you just might be excluding yourself from a future appearance of glory.


I accept the dealings of God in my life; they are working in my favour, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23: 10)

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