Daily Devotional


Focus On God

6th January 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 7: 31-37


“And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.” (Mark 7: 34)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus looked up to heaven and screamed Ephphatha! There was a deaf and dumb man in front of Him; there was a challenge standing in His presence; but rather than pause and focus on the challenge, Jesus rather chose to focus on heaven. Jesus took His eyes away from the challenge and looked to the One who could cause the challenge to be rolled away. Jesus did not focus His attention on the challenge.

Friend, no matter the challenge you face in 2021, keep your eyes on heaven. Keep your focus on Jesus. Keep your eyes on God’s promises. Keep your eyes on the prophecies that have gone ahead of you. Keep your eyes on the God who is able to fulfill the words of His power. Keep your eyes on the things which are eternal. Keep your eyes on the throne room of God. Keep your eyes on that same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

No matter the negativity that shows up this year, pay no attention to it. Do not give your heart to the challenges that show up on your way. Do not fill your thoughts with the negative experiences you are currently faced with. Do not allow any situation to take your eyes away from Jesus. Do not allow whatever roadblocks you see on your way make you lose sight of the same power that is able to make your way perfect.

Notice that it was as Jesus focused on heaven that the Ephphatha experience came to be. The deaf ears were opened, not because Jesus looked on them but because He looked on heaven. The tied tongue was loosed because of a focus on heaven. If you dare to keep your focus on heaven, the doors will be opened, and the gates of your destiny will be unlocked. If you focus on heaven, the doors that didn’t open in the past will open to you.

Remember, Ephphatha became a reality as Jesus focused on heaven. Focus on heaven, and Ephphatha will be your reality.


My eyes are fixed on Jesus; I refuse to focus on my challenges, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26: 3)

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