Daily Devotional


Forget The Past

9th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

In Our Focal Scripture, God Queried Prophet Samuel’s Continuous Mourning For Saul. Saul Was The Rejected King Of Israel, He Embodied The Era That God Was Done With, He Represented The Entirety Of A Dynasty That God Was Not Willing To Allow Its Continuity, He Was The Past That God Was No Longer Interested In, Yet Samuel Was Fixated On Saul. Samuel Carried The Past Into The Present, Losing Sight Of The Future That God Was Set To Bring.

Friend, If You Keep Recreating The Past In The Present, You Will Compromise The Future. Dwelling On The Past Is A Business Class Ticket To A Future That Will Never Be; Your Past Isn’t Yet Your Past Until You Allow God’s Word Create A Future For You; We Know A Man That Is Fixated On The Past When His Actions, Reactions And Even Inactions Aren’t Separated From His Yesterday’s Behavior. New Chapters Of Great Wonders Will Not Be Opened To You If Your Eyes Are Still On The Past That God Has Passed.

Saul Was Taller Than Every Man In Israel, He Looked Like The Perfect King, And Samuel Remained Fixated On Him Without Knowing That A Better King Was In The Offing. Don’t Allow The Devil Sell You A Lie That Your Best Belongs To Your Past; As Surely As God Lives, There Are Bigger And Better Options Ahead Of You; There Are Higher Levels Ahead Of You; There Is A Brighter Future Ahead Of You; What Is Coming Your Way Is Better Than What You Lost In The Past.

If The Past Still Panics You, Then You Are Still A Hostage Of The Past. Don’t Let The Past Define You; Don’t Be A Hostage Of The Past. Your True Worth Is Known By Where You Are In The Calendar Of God, Not Where You Are By The Verdict Of Your Past. No Matter How Bad Your Past Has Been, Expect A Greater Future; Expect Greatness To Be Unveiled; Expect The Miraculous To Be Manifest; Expect Greater Levels; Expect A Better Future.

Forget The Past, Keep Your Eyes On The Future; Every Past That Wants To Hold You Down Is Broken By Fire.


No Negative Past Will Hold Me Hostage; I See The Future, Not The Past, In Jesus’ Name!

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“Remember Ye Not The Former Things, Neither Consider The Things Of Old.” (Isaiah 43: 18)

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