Jairus made arrangements with Jesus to come and heal his daughter; but as that movement progressed, the woman with the issue of blood cashed in and got her own miracle. The woman with the issue of blood became a beneficiary of another man’s arrangement. She even received her healing before the person who made the arrangement got results. She did not labour to put Jesus’ movement in place, but she reaped the benefit.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, you will benefit from arrangements you did not make. Others will labour and you will enjoy the favour. Others will labour and you will enjoy results ahead of them. The things that are beyond your reach will be brought to your path by people who may not even know that they have worked in your favour. Every good that people are doing for themselves, you will be the first to partake.
Jairus made arrangements for Jesus to come to his residence, but the woman with the issue of blood got in touch with Jesus first. Jairus needed a miracle, but the woman with the issue of blood got her miracle first. Hear me as I hear the Lord: concerning that good news that is about to break out, you will be considered first. Concerning the doors and gates that are to be opened, you will be considered first.
Get set: you are about to walk through the doors that others opened for themselves. You are about to step into miracles that others prayed for. You are about to possess the results of other men’s labour. You are about to walk into new realms of results that you did not plan for. You are about to become a partaker of the results that others labored for. You are about to become the example of one who entered into rest without labour.
Your doors and gates are open. All things are working in your favour. The labours of other men are about to become your results.