Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when God heard the voice of Ishmael. God did not just hear Ishmael and Hagar, He also provided a supply in response to the voices He heard. God heard the voices of Hagar and Ishmael, and He provided a supply that answered to their cries. God heard the voices of Hagar and Ishmael, and their stories changed instantly. The cries of Hagar and Ishmael were not in vain. Their cries provoked a harvest.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, your cries to God will provoke a harvest. Your prayers will provoke a harvest. Your efforts will provoke a harvest. Your seed will provoke a harvest. Your diligence in seeking the face of God will provoke a harvest. Your consistency in the place of prayer will provoke a harvest. The more God hears your voice reaching out to Him, the more you will rise out of every challenge that wants to keep you down.
Hagar and her son were already disadvantaged. They had been thrown out of the home of Abraham, and they were already in the wilderness, with no one to speak for them or work in their favour. God heard their voices, and everything changed for good. You may be in that place where you have no one to fight for you or speak for you, but as surely as the Lord lives, the ears of the Lord will be open to hear your cries and turn things around.
It will never be said that you cried in 2024 and God didn’t hear you. It will never be said that you were caught in the midst of situations that made you cry, yet God didn’t hear you. You will not cry to God in vain. Your efforts will not be in vain. Your consistency will not be in vain. Your seed will not be in vain. Your diligence will not be in vain. Your passion for Jesus will not be in vain. Your dedication to God and your assignment won’t be in vain.
Welcome to that season where God will hear your cries. Welcome to that season where your efforts will birth a heavy harvest.