In our Focal Scripture, Jesus whilst responding to the woman of Canaan, affirmed that He was not sent (to others) but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Jesus was simply affirming that He had no business granting a miracle to that woman of Canaan. Jesus, by His comment, was simply ruling her out of her desired miracle. He was simply saying a big NO to that woman of Canaan. In the end, despite initially saying no, Jesus changed His mind and gave her the miracle she desired.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: for every No you have received, prepare to get a YES. Those that said no to you in time past are about to change their minds. Those that rejected you in time past are about to accept you. Those that had negative verdicts against you in time past are about to change their minds towards you. Those that vowed not to help you in time past are about to turn around and help you. Those that closed the chapters of your favour in the past are about to reopen them.
The same Jesus that said no to the woman of Canaan, was the same Jesus that turned around and made the proclamation for her daughter’s healing. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in those same places where you received negative reports, you are about to receive positive reports. In those same places where the doors were shut at you, those same doors are about to be opened to you. You are getting a Yes in the location where you got a No in time past.
That rejection you may have received in time past is not the final word on that matter. You are moving from No to Yes. You are moving from rejection to acceptance. You are moving from judgement to mercy. You are moving from disfavor to favour. You are moving from negative reports to positive reports. You are moving from closed doors to open doors. You are moving from back to front. You are moving from valley to mountain.
Get ready to have men change their minds for good, in your favour. Get ready to have every No change to a Yes.