Daily Devotional


Fulfill Your Vows

5th April 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1: 1-28


“Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there.” (1 Samuel 1: 28)

When Hannah prayed to God for a man child, she promised to give the child back to God all the days of his life. Hannah vowed a vow before God concerning the desire she had from God, and when the child eventually arrived, she fulfilled her vow to God. When her expectations were granted, she did what she said she would do for God. Hannah did not belong to the company of those who change their minds after God intervenes.

Friend, if there be a vow you made to God as you sought divine intervention, do well to fulfill it when God has fulfilled His own part of the deal. If you make a promise to God on the path to the fulfillment of your expectations, once God fulfills His own part, do well to fulfill yours. If you have vowed that you will take up a responsibility in the house of God in response to divine intervention, do well to take up such responsibility.

Hannah vowed to lend her son to God when he arrives, and when she did, God made him the priest in place of Eli and his sons. So God took Hannah’s vow seriously. Guess what? God does not see your vow as a mere joke or as a promise that can be reversed at will; God takes your vow seriously; God is expecting the fulfillment of your vow; God has plans on what to do about your vow when you fulfill it.

Did you notice that after Hannah made a vow concerning her expectations, it became her reality without further delays? Her vow hastened the fulfillment of her expectations; and the fulfillment of her vow unlocked the doors of fruitfulness such that Hannah had more children. Your vow will hasten the fulfillment of your expectations; and when you fulfill your vow, you are simply opening the doors of more divine visitation.

Don’t make a mess of your vows to God; as you make it, do well to fulfill it.


I will fulfil my vows to God, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people,” (Psalm 116: 18)

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