Daily Devotional


Get Set For More

13th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

God Commanded Samuel To Go To The House Of Jesse Where He (God) Had Provided Himself A New King. The Name Jesse Means ‘Gift Of God’; So God Sent Samuel To The House Of ‘God’s Gift’. Samuel Got To The House Of ‘God’s Gift’ To Anoint A New King. Put Differently, God Sent Samuel To The House Of One He Had Given A Gift, And Gave Another Gift Of Kingship And Royalty. God Went To One To Whom He Had Given A Gift, And He Gave Another Gift.

Friend, Let Me Prophesy To You: If There Be Any Gift That God Has Given You In The Past, Just Get Prepared, More Gifts Are Coming Your Way. More Miracles And Testimonies Are Coming Your Way; More Breakthroughs Are Coming Your Way; More Doors Are About To Be Opened To You; More Relevance Is About To Be Bestowed On You; More Glory And Honour Is About To Be Poured On You; More Of What Only God Can Give Is Coming To You.

Jesse Had Only Received The Gift Of Children, But This Time, He Received The Gift Of Royalty That Positioned His Family Eternally Into Royalty. It Was A Gift That Even His Future Generations Would Enjoy. What God Is About To Give To You Will Be Greater Than Whatever You Have Ever Received Before; What God Is About To Give You Will Remain For Your Future Generations; What God Is About To Give You Will Position You On The Mountain Of Relevance.

Get Set For More; Increase Your Expectations; Expect More From A God Who Causes Your Cup To Overflow; Expect More From Unexpected Places; Expect More That You Did Not Plan For; Expect More Financial Favours; Expect More Increase In The Works Of Your Hands; Expect More Greatness To Be Revealed In You; Expect More From The God Who Already Began By Giving His Son For You; Expect More That Will Come By The Hand Of God.

Get Set For Your Season Of More; Get Set To Get More From God Than You Ever Bargained For.



I Step Into My Season Of More, In Jesus’ Name!

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Memory Verse

“Now Unto Him That Is Able To Do Exceeding Abundantly Above All That We Ask Or Think, According To The Power That Worketh In Us,” (Ephesians 3: 20)

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