Daily Devotional


Get What Is Needed

3rd November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.” (Matthew 14: 22)

When Jesus needed to get His disciples to the other side, He made them get into a ship. That movement to the other side was going to be on water, and He got a ship. Jesus did not for a chariot; He didn’t go for what would not move on water; He went for what suited the environment they were in. He chose what was needed for the moment. He chose what the circumstance demanded. The terrain determined the means of movement.

Friend, get what is needed for your terrain. Get what your circumstances need. Find what is appropriate to help you move depending on what the situation looks like. Find the relationships that will enable your victory; find the ideas that will unlock your next level; make the prayers that will unlock the doors that are shut against you; get into warfare if that is what your terrain needs; look for what will move you based on where you are.

Jesus did not go for a horse or chariot simply because another person was moving with that; He went for what His disciples needed for the movement they were supposed to make. Don’t let another person’s movement in destiny make you go for what you do not need; don’t be distracted by another man’s strategy; don’t lose sight of your own movement and advancement plan because of what others are doing.

Take a close look at your terrain; look around you and check for what your circumstances demand. Sometimes, what may have worked for others may not work for you; sometimes, the horses and chariots that others needed to make progress on land may not work for you if you are at sea. Don’t let the desire to do what others are doing slow you down in life. Don’t allow the desire to be like others take your eyes off the mark.

When the chips are down, your destination is not a matter for the multitude. Your destination is unique and personal to you; and if you must get there, go for what is needed.


I will get what I need for my destination, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.” (Psalm 18: 39)

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