When Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes, He looked up to heaven and gave thanks to God. Jesus gave thanks on account of loaves of bread and two fishes that were clearly not enough for the multitude that needed to be fed. He gave thanks when what He had was clearly not enough. He gave thanks when the odds were not in His favour. He gave thanks when He could have been complaining for not having much.
Friend, I am aware that everything may not yet be in the proportions you want them to be in, but dare to give thanks. Give thanks to God for those small doors that are currently open. Give thanks to God for those small opportunities you currently have. Give thanks to God for those small helps and helpers that are on your side already. Give thanks to God for those little favours you have received. Give thanks for your few loaves and fishes.
Ingratitude is when you fail to thank God simply because your loaves and fishes are not enough to feed your multitude. Ingratitude is when you are yet to thank God for what He has given because you are waiting for Him to give more. Ingratitude is when you are only grateful when what you received is big enough. You see this 2022? Make no room for ingratitude. Make no room for that sense of incompletion that halts thanksgiving.
Jesus gave thanks for the little He had in His hands, and that little turned into many. He gave thanks for what was small, and the power of God was on hand to make the small to become big. Thanksgiving is a multiplier. Your thanksgiving will cause your little to become many. Your thanksgiving will open bigger doors than you have ever seen. Your thanksgiving will cause all things to work for your good.
It may be early days in 2022, but can you take out time and give thanks for all that God has done already? Remember, your thanksgiving is a multiplier.