Daily Devotional

22nd Sep 2023

Scripture Reading: JOSHUA 2: 1-24, 6: 22-24


“For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.” (Joshua 2: 10)

When Rahab came in contact with the spies from Israel, she opted to align with the men and she gave them protection. She gave value to the men. She met people who were going to be key players in the land of Jericho; she met men who were about to take over the land of Jericho; and she first gave them value. Rahab came in contact with greatness, and she first gave them value. She saw men on a mission for expansion, and she gave value.

Friend, when you come in contact with greatness, be first to give value. Give value to the people around you who are ahead of you. Give value to your superiors. Give value to those who have been chosen ahead of you. Give value to those who are favoured ahead of you. Give value to those who have been given the land. Give value to those who bear rule. Give value to those who have God on their side. Be the first to give value.

Rahab did not respond to the spies from Israel with dishonor. She realized that God was on their side, and she gave them value and respect. When you come in contact with greatness and great men, always speak the language of honour. Don’t approach great men and relate with disdain. Don’t be in the midst of greatness and not be willing to speak the language of honour. Don’t be amongst the great and not show respect to the great.

Did you realize that when Rahab would finally make a request from the spies from Israel, they did not struggle to say yes to her? She began by giving value, and they did not struggle to respond to her with even higher value. If you dare to show value to greatness and great men, greatness and great men will certainly repay value with higher value. If you honour the great and favoured, you will become a partaker of their greatness and favour.

Don’t be counted amongst them that came face to face with greatness, but failed to connect with greatness because of dishonor and lack of value. As you come in contact with greatness, be first to give value.


As I come in contact with greatness, I will be first to offer value, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.” (Proverbs 22: 29)

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