Daily Devotional

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15th September 2019

Scripture Reading: John 6: 1-12


“And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.” (John 6: 2)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of what Jesus did about those that were diseased. Jesus did not take the diseased fellows on a boat cruise; He didn’t take them for a session of analysis of their problems; He didn’t merely use their health problems to give speeches. Jesus saw that they were diseased, and He took away their diseases. He saw their unpleasant situation, and He gave the corresponding value that their situation needed.

Friend, in your journey through life, you will come face to face with situations that demand for solutions. You will see people who need your help; you will see challenges that require your intervention; you will see roadblocks that are stopping others; you will see what is missing in the lives of people around you; you will see opportunities for impact; you will see troubles that must be dealt with; you will get chances for impact.

The only answer an unpleasant situation needs is the value you are willing to give; the only response you need to give to challenges is to roll them away; the only answer you need to give to certain troubles that others bring to you is to give them help; the only answer to the challenges that come your way is solution provision; if it is a challenge, and if it is limiting you or someone around you, no need talking about it, just deal with it.

Jesus gave the value that the sick people needed, and it was not long before the multitude began to follow Him wherever He went. He gave the challenges of men the right answers, and more men became His followers. As you give the right value to your generation, they will have no choice but to follow you. The value you bring will compel men to come for you, and put you in the news.

Remember, it was not the value that Jesus had in Him that brought the multitude; it was the value He GAVE that brought them. Give value to your generation. Be a giver of value.


I choose to give value to my generation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5: 16)

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