Daily Devotional

Glory In The Highest

29th December 2019

Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 1-40


“13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2: 13, 14)

When the multitude of Angels showed up among the shepherds that watched their flocks by night, they praised God, saying, “glory to God in the highest”. The birth of Jesus had just happened, and those Angels seemed to be announcing God’s purpose for making it happen. So, by the new thing that God had just done, glory was about to show forth towards God. What God did was something that would bring Him glory.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: what God is set to do in your life in this season will bring Him glory in the highest. The miracles that will come your way will bring God glory; the divine healings that will come your way and through you will bring God glory; the doors that heaven will open to you will cause everyone who hears about it to give God glory; the mighty works that God will make happen for you will bring Him glory.

Get set for a future that will bring God glory; get set for a new season that will unravel the high favours that God ordained for you from the foundations of this world; get set for a new wave of miracles and testimonies that will draw men to your God and His greatness; get set for a new season where your life will be a center of divine activities that will draw men to Jesus; get set for a new season of mighty wonders in you that will glorify God.

Those Angels understood God’s agenda in the manifestation of the miracle of Jesus’ birth; they knew why God did what He did. God never does a thing until He has planned it in a way that will bring Him glory. Men may do a thing and it doesn’t ring a bell; but if Jesus does it, it shall be for glory; if it comes, not by the hands of men but by the hand of God, then it shall be for glory.

Ask God to make your life a center of His glory and power. Ask God to do for you what will cause men to give Him glory.


My life shall be a centre of God’s glory, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.” (Isaiah 60: 19)

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