After Elijah went up to Carmel to pray, he sent his servant to go and observe the sea; that servant came back to say that there was nothing. So for all the prayers that Elijah had made, there was yet to be a result. For all the time he had spent on Carmel, knocking on the doors of heaven for answers, there was nothing to show. There were high expectations, but the servant saw nothing.
The word nothing as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘Shoob’, which means ‘to dig’. Elijah heard that his servant saw nothing, and he told the servant to go again. Expectations were not met the first time, and he told the servant to try again. There was a gap between expectations and reality, and Elijah command the servant to go again seven times.
Friend, when you have prayed and believed God but your expectations and realities are miles apart, dig again; pray again; try again; work hard again; review and resend those proposals again; make another attempt to reach those helpers that are currently unreachable; take another shot at your goals and targets; brace up and take another shot at the success you desire to achieve; keep pushing for that goal that is yet to materialize.
The goal of the enemy is to discourage you and make you give up on account of failed or delayed expectations. The enemy wants you to believe that God has failed you simply because your prayers have not yet been answered; the enemy wants you to believe that you are failed project; he wants you believe that if you haven’t seen the sign of your rain, it is best to forget it and move on. The enemy wants to steal your faith.
Don’t make life easier for the enemy by abandoning your cloud before your rain falls. Stay on the grind; keep believing; keep waiting on God; don’t lose your faith, and it will pay off in a matter of time.