Daily Devotional


27th July 2022

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 9: 1-13


: “And Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets, and said unto him, Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead:” (2 Kings 9: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha commanded one of the sons of the prophets to take a box of oil and go on a journey to Ramothgilead. The word ‘Ramothgilead’ means ‘heights of Gilead’. So the assignment of that trainee prophet was not on a regular level; it was an assignment on a new height, but he needed to go up by himself into that new height. That trainee prophet was to arrive at a new height before he could carry out his new assignment.

Friend, you may have been accustomed to your old levels, but heaven is inviting you to new heights. God is compelling you to go up from your current level. Go up in your consecration. Go up in your walk with God. Press in for more of God than you have ever sought before. Deepen your commitment to God. Heighten your prayer fire. Go up in your character. Go up in your consistency. Go up in your dedication. Go up in your competence.

That trainee prophet may have been accustomed to his regular, comfortable heights, but heaven’s new assignment for him was not going to come on a familiar height. He needed to run to a higher place before being distinguished in a higher assignment. Sometimes, that new height you want to miraculously attain must begin with the journey of going higher. No man is distinguished by simply remaining in the valley and waiting for a rising.

Make your own contribution to that new height you want to attain, by first rising from your current level. Press in for more. Take your commitment to a higher level. Take your discipline, competence, creativity, prayer fire, consistency, passion, character, vision, diligence, etc. to a higher level. Let your desire for more begin with you becoming more. Let your desire for higher heights begin with you journeying to the heights you desire.

You probably should have had enough of your old levels. Now is the time to rise to your higher levels. Now is the time to go up for more.


I go up to my higher levels, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” (Revelations 4: 1)

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