Daily Devotional

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God Chasers

22nd August 2021

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 10: 1-12


“Then shalt thou go on forward from thence, and thou shalt come to the plain of Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men going up to God to Bethel, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:” (1 Samuel 10: 3)

In our Focal Scripture, Saul was to meet a company of three men who were going up to God in Bethel. He was to come in contact with men who were on their way to meet with God. He was to meet a company of God chasers. He was to meet a company of men whose priority was God. He was to meet a company of men who were making a journey towards God. He was to meet a company of men who had their eyes fixed on God.

Friend, intentionally surround yourself with God chasers. Surround yourself with men who have their eyes fixed on God. Surround yourself with men who are making journeys towards God; surround yourself with men who are perpetually making efforts to encounter God again and again; surround yourself with men to whom God is the highest priority; surround yourself with men who are yearning for more of God.

Saul had just been anointed as King and captain over the Lord’s inheritance, and among the first set of people that God would have him meet, were men who were going closer to God. As you advance towards your new doors and gates, be sure that you are badly in need of a spiritual environment that will preserve what God is about to give you; you need a company of men whose passion for God can fan yours into flames.

It’s not enough to surround yourself with God chasers though; be a God chaser yourself. Be an example in the worship of God to people around you; be an example of one whose eyes are fixed on God; be an example of one who is continually journeying towards God; be an example of one who is perpetually making God a priority; let your presence add to the spiritual atmosphere of people connected to you.

When the chips are down, no new height you ever attain will make sense if you are no longer moving closer to God. Be a God chaser; surround yourself with God chasers.


I chase after more of God; I surround myself with God chasers, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;” (Psalm 63: 1)

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