Prior to our Focal Scripture, there arose a great storm of wind. Something that would not favour Jesus and His disciples arose. There was a rising of negativity. Notice that in our Focal Scripture, Jesus also arose, and it marked the end of the storm of wind. Jesus arose and the negativity that had earlier arisen went down immediately. Jesus’ arising marked the end of the storm. Jesus arose, and rose above the storm and the storm ended.
Friend, there may be negativities that have arisen against you, there may be conspiracies that have arisen against you, the economy may even have arisen against you, people in your environment may have ganged up against you, things that are not in your favour may have arisen against you, haters that you did not offend may have arisen against you, the odds may even be against you, but hear me today: Jesus has also risen for you.
Go and announce to your haters that Jesus has arisen for you. Go and announce to those who have vowed to stop you, that Jesus has arisen for you. Go and announce to your competitors that Jesus has arisen for you. Go and announce to your challenges and roadblocks, that Jesus has arisen. When Jesus arises, the storms of life bow to His rising. When Jesus arises for a man, whatever negativity that is standing before that man will have no option but to go down immediately.
The storm started a process of trying to sink the ship that carried Jesus and His disciples, but it didn’t eventually sink them. It did not complete what it started. Hear me as I hear the Lord: because Jesus has arisen on your behalf, whatever negativity that has arisen against you will not complete its life span. Every negativity in your life, family, ministry, finances, health, etc., I terminate it by fire. I terminate the term of evil around you.
No matter what has arisen against you, the Lord has also risen on your behalf. As the Lord arises, every storm will bow before Him and before you.