When the sons of the prophets requested from Elisha that he should go with them to Jordan, Elisha obliged and said, “I will go”. They were about to embark on a next level journey, and Elisha promised to go with them. They were about to create a new space for themselves, and Elisha promised to go with them. That journey had uncertainties ahead, and Elisha opted to go with them. Simply put, God went with them.
Friend, I am aware that there may be uncertainties surrounding your next level movements, but God says, I will go with you. God will be with you as you face the challenges that come with your next level; God will be with you as you advance into the murky waters that lead to your enthronement and coronation; God will be with you as you press into new spheres of influence; God will be with you as you advance into your tomorrow.
Concerning that project you have proposed to begin, God will be with you; concerning that expansion you desire, God will be with you; concerning the new doors you want to step into, God will be with you; concerning the things you lost that you want to recover, God will be with you; concerning the breakthroughs you desire for 2020, God will be with you; concerning your thrones and crowns, God will be with you.
The sons of the prophets had spiritual cover as they stepped into the environment of their next level. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as you step into the environment of your next level, God will go ahead of you to make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth. God will be on hand to help you conquer your opposition. God will be your guarantee as you navigate the difficult waters of your great future.
Approach your future with the confidence of one who is accompanied by the Lord. If God be for you, nothing will prevail against you.