Daily Devotional

God Will Show Up

11th December 2019

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1: 1-17


“Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.” (Ruth 1: 6)

It is remarkably noteworthy that in our Focal Scripture, in the lifetime of Naomi, the Lord visited His people and gave them bread. The same reason that caused Elimelech and Naomi to relocate to Moab received divine attention. So the people of God who stayed back in Israel received God’s attention. They faced adversity, but they stayed back in the place of the covenant, and God showed up. In a matter of time, God showed up.

Friend, concerning that adversity that has rocked your life to its very foundations, God will show up in a matter of time. That situation that has caused you tears and pain will soon receive divine attention; that situation that wants to push you out of your covenant with God will soon receive divine attention if you hold on to God; that battle that is threatening to destroy and consume you will soon be attended to by God.

Did you realize that Naomi had lost her husband and sons before she heard that the Lord had remembered and visited His people? She left the place of the covenant, and she suffered losses before going back to join those who were wise enough to remain in Israel. Hear this: there is no wisdom in walking away from God because faced adversity; there is always something to lose if you make the mistake of walking away from God.

Dare to be patient in your walk with God; be patient to see Him intervene; be patient to watch Him unveil His plans and purposes for your life; be patient and understand that with God, there is really no delay. God is not slack in coming through for His own, as men count slackness. If He is for you, He will show up for you; if He was there when the trouble began, He will still be there to cause your troubles to end.

Don’t be counted among those who will wait to suffer losses before they reconnect to God.


I will be patient to watch God show up for me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10: 36)

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