In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist (David) declared that God had delivered him from the violent man (Saul). In 1 Samuel 19 vs. 1-2, Saul announced his plan to kill David, but Jonathan (Saul’s son) revealed the plot to David and suggested an escape strategy. So one of the ways through which David escaped and was delivered from the violent man was by the revelation of the evil plans that were made against him.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: this year, God will position men that will expose every evil plot against you. God will position men who will give you privileged information that will help you avoid the snare of the fowlers in your environment. God will position men around you who will block the negativities that men have arranged for you. God will position men around you who will uncover every evil that is determined against you.
In the same palace where the evil plot to kill David was hatched, God raised someone who was not willing to play along. From the camp of David’s enemies, God raised a helper that spoke to David and spoke in his favour. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in the same places where men have gathered against you, God will raise men who will speak and work in your favour. In the midst of your haters, God will raise major helpers for you.
In this season, receive the gift of good men. Receive the gift of men who will work in your favour even when the entire world has ganged up against you. Receive the gift of good men who will give you privileged information that will give you an advantage over your adversaries. Receive the gift of good men that will open the doors and gates that your enemies have shut against you. Receive the gift of good men that will help you.
Jonathan helped David as huge personal risk to himself. In this season, receive the gift of good men that will risk everything to help and support you.