Daily Devotional

Great Stones

17th April 2020

Scripture Reading: Mark 16: 1-20


“And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.” (Mark 16: 4)

When the three women took their spices to anoint the body of Jesus, they found that the stone which covered the door of the sepulcher had been rolled away, for it was very great. Our Focal Scripture used a colon (:) to delineate the first part of the scripture from the second part. So the stone was rolled away because it was very great. The reason why the divine intervention was made available was that the stone was very great.

Friend, just as that stone that covered Jesus’ grave was rolled away because it was very great, God will roll away the great challenges in your life that are interfering with His position in your life. God will take away those challenges that are making you lose sleep; God will take away those challenges that are making you doubt Him; God is taking away those great challenges that are contending for the attention you should give to God.

If it is a great problem, then it is God’s specialty; if it is a great problem, take it to God and let Him crush it for you; if it is great, take it to the God who is the very definition of greatness; if that health challenge has been called great, take it to the One who crushes health problems that have defied doctors’ efforts; if your family/marital issues have been called great, take them to the God for whom nothing is too hard to handle.

Wherever man stops is where God starts; whatever man thinks is too difficult is simply too easy for God to deal with; whatever is beyond the control of man is never beyond the control of God; whatever is beyond your control is certainly not beyond God’s control; whatever has defied the efforts of man will not defy the presence and power of God; whatever has defeated man will not defeat God.

Hand over your impossibilities to God, and watch Him roll away your great stones.


My great stones are rolled away, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:” (Jeremiah 32: 17)

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