In our Focal Scripture, Jesus made mention of good works that will show forth as a result of letting one’s light to shine before men. Jesus was not speaking of a shining of light that will end in mere shining. Jesus spoke about the shining of light that will lead to good works. Jesus spoke about shining that will lead to tangible results that eyes can see. Jesus spoke about good works that will lead to evidence that will terminate every argument.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your shining this year will lead to evidence. You will not be numbered amongst men that merely shine; you will be numbered amongst men whose shining is bringing forth results. Your shining will not leave you empty-handed. Your shining is an empowerment for good works. Your shining is your empowerment to bring forth uncommon results. Your shining will position you for great exploits.
As you shine, and as you find yourself in the limelight, always ask yourself if there is any good work that you have brought forth. As you shine brighter than you ever did in time past, always look inwards and ask yourself if there is any exploit attached to your shining. What is the impact of your shining? What result has come forth since the spotlight came on you? What has changed around you since you became the chosen one?
Jesus didn’t stop at the recognition of good works; He made mention of glory which must go to the Father in heaven. So the good works He spoke about were good works that would yield glory to God. Can it be said that people who saw your good works saw the need to glorify God in heaven? Can it be said that men saw God through you? Can your results draw men closer to Jesus? Can God’s glory find expression through you?
Today, I pray for you: may your life be an example of good works that will cause men to glorify God in heaven. May your results cause men to believe God more than they ever did before. May your good works attract men to the Father.