Daily Devotional


3rd June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, David described God as his Shepherd. David himself was a shepherd boy before he became a king. He was familiar with the workings and lifestyle of a shepherd, and he used same to describe who God was to him. He used his knowledge as a shepherd as the basis for his revelation of God as his Shepherd. If David was also a carpenter or anything else, he could have used same knowledge to expand his vision of God.

Friend, expand your knowledge base. Learn more than you currently know. Grow your knowledge base. Learn new things that you have never known. Learn new scriptures. Learn new ideas. Learn new things outside your comfort zone. Increase your knowledge beyond your current levels. Even when you already have some knowledge, deepen the knowledge that you already have. Increase your hunger for more knowledge.

If you fail to grow in knowledge, even God Himself will speak to you but you will be unable to understand what He is saying. If you fail to grow in knowledge, things would unravel before your very eyes but you will not understand what is being showed you. If you fail to grow in knowledge, you just might inadvertently disqualify yourself from higher levels that God had hitherto destined for you.

You would be contradicting and embarrassing yourself as a burning and shining light if you do not have enough knowledge that is expected of a burning and shining light. You are better off with more knowledge, rather than less knowledge. Apostle Paul understood the place of knowledge, when he prayed “That I may know Him…”. The highest knowledge there can ever be is the knowledge of God. Grow in your knowledge of God.

Remember, the more you know, the better for your destiny. Dare to know more of God. Dare to increase in knowledge.


I choose to grow in knowledge, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;” (2 Peter 1: 5)

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