Daily Devotional



4th June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist proclaimed that the Lord is his shepherd. It is noteworthy that sheep can be foolish or simply unwise. Sheep may wander or stray and forget the route back home! In John 10 vs. 4, Jesus described Himself figuratively as the Shepherd and his flock/disciples as sheep. He also made mention of how the sheep know His voice. So though the sheep misses its way, it never misses the shepherd’s voice.

Friend, in days when you can’t seem to find your way, listen to the voice of the Lord who is your Shepherd. In the days when you are unable to break out of the chains that the enemy has locked you with, listen to the voice of the Shepherd. In the days when you are unable to know the right way to go, listen to that still small voice of the Shepherd. In days when you are unable to break out of confinement, listen to that voice that breaks cedars.

One word from the Lord is able to bring you out of the snare of the enemy. One word from the Lord is able to keep you from straying into the pit that the enemies of your destiny have dug for you. One word from the Lord is able to keep you from choices that will destroy you. One word from the Lord is able to make your life safe from the snare of the fowler. One word from the Lord is enough to help you trace your way back home to Him.

The voice of the Shepherd is the rescue of the sheep. The voice of the Shepherd is the safety of the sheep. No matter how you wander, never wander to a point where you can no longer hear the voice of the Shepherd. No matter how you wander, never get to a point where you cannot get the signals of the Spirit of God in you. No matter how you wander, do not make the mistake of going too far that you can’t hear Him speak.

If God be for you, then His voice will usher you into safety. If God be for you, then His voice will keep you away from the traps of the enemy.


The voice of the Lord is my safety, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30: 21)

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