Prior to our Focal Scripture, Jesus had come into the country of the Gadarenes where He healed the demon possessed man at the tombs (see Mark 5 vs. 1-20). While at the Gadarenes, there were people on the other side who could not get Jesus’ attention. Jairus was on the other side seeking Jesus’ intervention; the woman with the issue of blood was also waiting for her miracle. There were expectant people on the other side that Jesus left.
Notice that after healing the man at the Gadarenes, Jesus came back to the other side and gave attention to Jairus as well as the woman with the issue of blood. He left where they were, but He came back to give them their own portion of the power of God. He focused His attention on the Gadarenes, but He came back to do what He didn’t do before on the other side. Jesus may have looked like He was gone, but He came back.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: it may appear that the Lord left you to go and attend to other people on the ‘other’ side, but He is coming back to you. The same Jesus that seemed to leave you to go and attend to people away from you is coming back to your own matter. The same Jesus that has been giving others attention will come back to give you attention. The same Jesus that gave your neighbor a miracle is coming to give you yours.
Jesus may have started with others, but He has you in His plans. Jesus may have given some people their own miracle ahead of you, but He has your portion well laid out. There may be people whose portion arrived before yours, but yours will not go missing. The same God that went to the ‘Gadarenes’ is coming to the ‘other’ side. The same God who did it for others will do it for you. The same God at work for others will work for your good.
Help from the Lord has been laid out for you. Jesus is coming your way again. Jesus is showing up again.