The sons of the prophets that lived with Elisha proposed to go to Jordan so that they could cut down the wood they needed to build a bigger place. Jordan had what they needed; Jordan had the raw materials for their next level. Jordan had the seed for their bigger place. They may not have originally planned to go to Jordan, but because it had what they needed, they had no option but to go towards it.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in the days when men think of what they need, they will think about you. You will be highly sought after. You will be called that one that your generation has been waiting for; you shall be known as that one that is too relevant to be ignored; you shall be called that one that has what your generation needs; you shall be called that one that is loaded with the right content; you shall be called the relevant one.
Jordan did not need to send out an invitation to the sons of the prophets. They just had their meeting on how to move forward, and the name of Jordan popped up. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2020, men will seek you out even when you have not invited them to come to you. By the force of grace, and by the mantle of relevance that is upon you, even people who have not met you will be so convinced that you are who they need. Kings shall come to your rising; nations shall seek for your brightness.
The sons of the prophets thought about expansion, and they thought about Jordan. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as they think about whom to give opportunities, they shall think about you; as they think about who to take to a higher level, they shall think about you; as they think of who to help, they will think about you; as they think of who to patronize, they will think about you. You will be sought after like never before.
This year, you shall stand on the mantle of relevance and influence. You will be highly sought after.