Daily Devotional

Ignore The Haters

Scripture Reading: Genesis 37: 3-9


“And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” (Genesis 37: 5)

It is instructive to observe that when Joseph declared his dream to his brothers, they hated him; and when he had yet another dream, they hated him even more. His dream provoked hatred from his brothers. His dream made people who should love him to start hating him. His dream was an indication of who he was going to become in the future. So some people saw a picture of his future and their response was hatred.

Friend, as God unfolds your greatness and causes you to have a mandate that is greater than what you have always had, don’t be surprised that men that once loved you will begin to hate you. Don’t be surprised when friends become enemies as a result of your greatness. Don’t be surprised when the greatness that has not even fully manifested begins to unsettle the people around you. Don’t be shocked at hatred provoked by your results.

Notice that the people who hated Joseph for his dream, were brothers. They were not strangers. They were not people coming from a huge distance. They were people with whom he shared some commonality. They were people who should have been his supporters. Don’t let it break you when the people you imagined should be your supporters, turn out to be haters. Don’t be surprised when brothers turn haters because of your greatness.

Notice also that Joseph did not start hating his brothers simply because they hated him. He didn’t join them to go low in hatred. He didn’t become bitter like them. Don’t let the hatred of your haters turn you into a hater. Don’t let the misbehavior of those who feel threatened by your dream, to make you feel threatened by other people’s dream. Don’t allow yourself to be influenced negatively by the hatred of your haters.

If you will be great, and remain great, then get used to the fact that not everyone will like you. If the brothers of Joseph would hate him, then who are you not to be hated for being great?


The hatred of my haters will not stop me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.” (Psalm 129: 5)

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