Daily Devotional



28th March 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALM 18: 43-48


“He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.” (Psalm 18: 48)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when the psalmist declared that God had delivered him from the violent man. Notice that the psalmist in this scripture was David, whilst the violent man was Saul. Notice also that in 1 Samuel 18 vs. 12, Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him. Saul had a problem with the fact that God was with David. Saul made David a target because he perceived that the Lord was with him.

Friend, when the hand of the Lord is manifest upon your life, take note that there will be ‘Saul’s who will feel uncomfortable with you. Some people will have issues with you because they see the hand of God strongly upon your life. Some people will hate you because they see God opening doors for you which they never imagined that God would open. Some people will be offended by your progress and successes.

David only brought value to Saul. He played his musical instruments and the evil spirit that usually tormented Saul would give him a break. He also fought and defeated Goliath and removed reproach from Israel. He led Israel to their battles and came back victorious. Someone who did the exploits that David did should have been loved greatly, but his own king hated him. He was hated by the man who should have loved him most.

As you burn and shine forth the glory of God in 2023, do not feel embarrassed when people who should have loved you most turn around and hate you the most. Do not feel bad when the people who should have supported you most turn around and oppose you the most. Do not feel embarrassed when the people who ought to celebrate you and celebrate your successes turn around and wonder why God chose you instead of them.

Greatness will entitle you to great enemies, some of whom will be kings you cannot run away from. Don’t apologize for being great though. Keep being at your best like David did, and don’t let the hatred of the ‘Saul’s of this world make you dim your light.


I refuse to be distracted by my haters; let them keep hating while I keep succeeding, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.” (Psalm 34: 21)

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